Prof. Henning Moritz

3. Quantum Brown Bag – The Hamburg Quantum Computing Initiative: Developing Hamburg’s First Quantum Computer with Neutral Atoms at the University of Hamburg

The Hamburg Quantum Computing Initiative: Developing Hamburg’s First Quantum Computer with Neutral Atoms at the University of Hamburg

We are delighted to have Prof. Henning Moritz from the University of Hamburg for our Brown Bag. On Tuesday, May 28 at 12 noon, he will report on developments at the University of Hamburg.

What is the University of Hamburg doing in the field of quantum?

The ‘Hamburg Quantum Computing’ (HQC) initiative is supported by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the European Regional Development Fund with approximately 19 million euros. It aims to train experts in quantum computing technology and promote research. This talk provides an overview over the HQC topics and details a sub-project at the University of Hamburg. It focuses on the first quantum computer working with neutral atoms in Hamburg that is currently being developed. The sub-project concentrates on the use of Rydberg atoms as quantum bits, which can be captured and manipulated at the focal points of optical laser beams. This method enables highly flexible quantum operations and is currently considered one of the most promising techniques for scaling to a high number of qubits, which is crucial for achieving quantum supremacy.

How you can participate

You can register for the event here. We are looking forward to your participation.

In the evening of the same day, the popular Quantum Stammtisch Nr.3 (feat. hqic) will take place again at the AI Mix & Mingle. If you want to be there, please register here.