Handover of a new quantum computer to the DLR QCI

100 years of NXP celebration

Yesterday was a day that fills us with great pride, because it shows the strength of the Hamburg ecosystem. NXP turned 100 years old. In words: one hundred years! We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you once again.
The celebration was attended by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Mayor of Hamburg Peter Tschenscher and , Anna Christmann from the BMWK and Senator Melanie Leonard.

A new quantum computer for Hamburg

A highlight was the presentation of the 10 qubit ion trap quantum computer QSea to our friends from DLR QCI.
This cutting-edge machine is currently being developed by NXP Semiconductors, eleQtron GmbH, and ParityQC for DLR Quantum Computing Initiative, with operations expected to begin in the second half of the year.
The exciting thing about the quantum computer is that the approach here is “quality instead of quantity of qubits”. This has five main advantages:

As one of the largest ports in Europe, Hamburg plays an outstanding role as a logistics hub for sea, rail and air traffic. This position offers us numerous opportunities for quantum applications, including optimization tasks, secure quantum communication, quantum sensors for better navigation and quantum materials.

It was a great pleasure for us as a team to be part of this great celebration and to feel the great vitality of Hamburg as a location once again.